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Transforming a Wall into Your Dream Closet

If you live in a home with smaller closets or too few closets, having your own dream closet may seem out of reach. But it doesn’t have to be! Imagine if you could enjoy the benefits of a closet organizer, where you’ve more than doubled your storage space, and everything has its place. It can be done. All it takes is “out of the box” thinking.

When we think about a closet system, we tend to think about a walk-in closet or a closet that has doors attached to it. But here’s the thing … there aren’t rules when it comes to having a closet system. If your home lacks traditional closet space, why not take a wall and create an open storage system? Many have, and they’re thrilled with the results! Not only do they have the additional storage space they craved, but they also have a closet that’s attractive and complements the room.

So how do you get started?

It begins with pre-planning:

Choose a wall, or walls, that could accommodate a closet system. Again, think outside the box. The photo below demonstrates how the wall space was used on either side of the bed in a bedroom. If you have a longer wall, consider using that for a longer closet space that flows. You can go from wall to wall or place your closet on only a portion of the wall.

double custom bedroom wardrobe

Next, call a design expert:

A closet design expert will bring your vision to reality. They’ll ask the pertinent questions to ensure you have exactly what is needed to make the most of your available storage space. They’ll also discuss accessories such as drawers, pull out wire hampers, or soft-close doors to polish the look of your closet so it’s aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

walking closet with white hanging shelves

We can help you find the storage space you so desperately need, and do it in a way that your new custom closet system complements your room and looks like a natural fit. The Victory Closets custom closet system not only helps you discover additional storage space, but we can also do it beautifully and affordably.

Call us today for expert guidance, and your free 3-D renderings and price quote.

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