Just like every surface in your house, your closet system will unfortunately collect dust. Your closet will also be full of your clothes, shoes, accessories, and any other items you decide to put on your shelves which will not make cleaning it any easier. So if you’re like most human beings, you won’t be cleaning your closet very often. When you do decide to clean it, here are some cleaning tips to make it a little easier.
Ditch the Chemicals
Oh, the dreaded chemicals. I know the new thing is to go chemical-free and lets be

honest, we all have those friends who are so against chemicals, we think they’ve lost their minds. Many people are getting into essential oils and other ways to clean and freshen without the nasty, harmful chemicals. They may seem crunchy, but they’re onto something. Many of our cleaning products do have really harmful chemicals that we’re breathing in each time we clean. We also aren’t using most of them correctly. Don’t believe me? Read the directions on your disinfecting wipes and let me know if you are doing it right because I sure wasn’t! Plus, the chemicals sit on our surfaces and they never get wiped away which actually makes them collect dust faster. So for the sake of your sanity and trying to keep the dust away, ditch the chemicals when cleaning your closet. And don’t forget about your clothes! Check out our top tricks to keeping your clothes smelling fresh.

This one is a no brainer and we all have these in our homes. They make life super simple because you can just run these over a surface and it pushes all of the dust away. It doesn’t do a great job at sucking the dust up so it kind of just pushes it onto the floor. Dusters are great for a quick wipe job in between the deep cleanings!
Okay, so no more chemicals and you can use a duster for quick cleans but what about a deep clean? A very quick and cheap option are microfiber cloths. You can buy these at any store or online for a low cost. The thicker the better! Microfiber cloths are made up of tiny microfiber strands that are much smaller than a strand of hair! This means they can pick things up on a microscopic level like different germs and viruses. You can use them anywhere to deeply clean but they also make great dusters. All you have to do is get it a little wet and then run it along your closet system. It will trap all of the dust within the cloth like a vacuum without spreading it everywhere. That’s it folks. Wet and wipe and you have deeply cleaned your closet system without any harmful chemicals. These things are amazing and are recommended for every room!

Having a closet system is an amazing thing. It helps keep you organized and stress-free because it eliminates clutter. Having a Victory Closet system is even better because it lets you have the luxury of a beautiful closet system without the high sticker price. We make it affordable by using stock parts that are custom fit to your space. This makes it cheaper but also allows us to have it installed for you much faster. The Victory Closets system is also completely versatile which means once it’s installed, you can move any part around to re-design it. Changing the parts around requires no tools or fasteners and can be done in a matter of minutes. Check out our video to learn how to reconfigure your closet! Getting a quote is easy! Email us your closet measurements along with a wish list of what you’d like and we’ll send you a 3-D design and a price. It’s quick, easy, and hassle-free so send yours in today!