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4 Steps to Transitioning Your Closet to Fall/Winter

Don’t look now, but it’s time to transition your closet. Hard to believe how quickly time flies! But it doesn’t have to be drudgery. Consider implementing these 4 steps to make this process simpler.

1) Clean Out

You have the opportunity every 6 months to rethink what’s in your closet. When it comes to changing out clothing for different seasons, use it as an opportunity to have a wardrobe cleanse. Let’s face it, our tastes change. Not only that, our bodies do, too. As you’re storing Spring/Summer items consider purging the pieces you didn’t wear this year. There’s a reason you didn’t put them on this past season and that reason may be the same next year. Let them go. The same goes for your Fall/Winter items. As you’re filling your closet with warmer clothes, inspect each piece to be sure they’re in wearable condition. Are there snags in the sweaters, or buttons missing from other items? Will you really take the time to have them fixed? Be honest with yourself and get rid of what you know you won’t fix or wear.

2) Reorganize

Now’s your chance to rethink your closet. Look at the space you have and think logically about where you’ll place your items. Does it make sense to hang your jeans, or is it better to fold them and place them in a drawer? Not sure? We’ve got some tips on how to figure out if folding, rolling, or hanging are best. Are there items on your shelves that could be put in a different location so you have additional space for sweater storage? Based on what you wear most days, what’s the best location to put those items for quick grab-n-goes? Look at your closet as a clean canvas and begin to fill it in a way that makes sense and will offer you ease.

reach in closet with folding doors

3) Sweater Sense

It’s time for cozy sweaters. But how do you properly store them? Chances are, you’ve heard conflicting information on this subject. Here are your options to best take care of these comfy investments:

  • Fold them and store on a shelf or drawer. The benefit of placing them on a shelf is that they’re easy to see, making rotation simpler. When placing sweaters in a drawer, the ones on the bottom tend to be forgotten and not worn. If you have shelf space, that’s your best option.
  • Roll them and store on a shelf or drawer. This is a popular military method that works well. Rolling, just like folding, keeps sweaters from stretching.
  • Hang them, but not in the way you’d hang a shirt. When a sweater is hung like a shirt or blazer, the hanger tends to stretch the neck and shoulders. When that happens, the damage is irreversible. But you can hang sweaters in a way that won’t cause damage, and those that lack shelf or drawer space have no choice but to choose this method. The key is to fold the sweater first then hang it over the bar. This approach works well, especially when using a rubber non-slip hanger like a pant hanger, or one made of felt.
  • Check out our additional tips for properly storing your clothes

4) Make a List

After you’ve changed over your wardrobe, make a list of items you might need to replace. Did you toss a pair of boots that were an everyday staple? Perhaps moths got to one of your favorite scarves and you need a new one. Maybe the pants you were counting on wearing no longer fit and needs to be replaced. Make a commitment to get the items on your list over the next 2 weeks so when the cold air hits you’re ready for it.

If you’re struggling to organize due to a lack of closet space, why not consider a closet system from Victory Closets? Our custom systems are not only flexible, but priced to fit most budgets. We can easily multiply your storage! Let us show you how!

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